Sunday, 20 November 2011

Chilly Evenings call for Indulgent Desserts...

So today was a very lovely day indeed. I spent the early morning at a local car boot, then came home and spent a good few hours in the kitchen. I made a hearty beef stew from my mums recipe (perfect food for such a cold and foggy day!) and then made this sweet apple tart for dessert. I came across the recipe on the blog decor8 where the foodie e-mag What Liberty Ate was featured, and it sounded so lovely that I copied the recipe down straight away! The original recipe can be found on page 29 of the magazine, it's worth a look for the styling and photography alone! But in the meantime, here's my version:

French Rose Apple Tart:


1 1/4 cups plain flour
12 tablespoons unsalted butter
5 apples- peeled and cored
1/4 cup sugar


  • Combine the flour and 8 tablespoons of butter in a large bowl. Mix with fingertips until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs
  • Add 3 tablespoons of ice-cold water and combine the mixture using hands. A dough should be formed
  • Flatten out the dough into a thick disc shape. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 1 hour
  • Roll out dough onto a floured work surface. Roll into circular shape
  • Carefully place the dough into a circular baking tray (preferably one with a loose bottom). Let the dough rest in tray for 1 hour
  • Heat oven to 190˚
  • Slice apples. Slice in half and then length ways to create fan-shapes
  • Place sliced apples onto pastry base working from the outside in, creating a 'rose' shape effect as you go
  • Sprinkle with the sugar
  • Dot on the remaining 4 tablespoons of butter
  • Bake for around 45 minutes (or until the apples start to turn golden)
  • Serve with whipped cream

Yum! Let me know what you think if you give this one a go.

{Image: Laura Blanksby for High Street Home, using Instagram}

Wednesday, 2 November 2011


Those of you that follow my twitter ramblings will know that I often do a bit of thrifting, and last weeks session happened to be a very fruitful one. Having put on my flats I headed for my local town (towns are always so much better than city centres for this kind of thing don't you think?) and set out to buy, well, whatever really! For those that are interested, here is my loot from that trip.
What do you think? I'm super-pleased with my purchases, especially as the whole lot came to less than seven pounds, hurrah! The crochet cushion cover has to be a favourite as it's a nice big size. I'm going to mix it with other textured cushions and put the on my bed to create a nice cosy space for the approaching winter. Also the little pink box with the dried flower lid is just a beautiful trinket, I can't believe I was so lucky to pick it up for just one pound. The lovely old lady in the shop said it was a very old piece too as she received something similar for her 21st birthday all those years ago! I'm going to use it as a mini jewellery box. The rest of my lot includes a very prettily illustrated Gulliver's Travels book, a Penguin Fruit Growing book, a vintage floral cushion cushion cover and a very dirty piglet which I just couldn't leave behind! He needs a good wash, a new nose and re-stuffing! But when he is finished I hope to give him away to my new nephew.

See you soon and happy thrifting! x

{Image: Laura Blanksby}
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