Sunday, 20 November 2011

Chilly Evenings call for Indulgent Desserts...

So today was a very lovely day indeed. I spent the early morning at a local car boot, then came home and spent a good few hours in the kitchen. I made a hearty beef stew from my mums recipe (perfect food for such a cold and foggy day!) and then made this sweet apple tart for dessert. I came across the recipe on the blog decor8 where the foodie e-mag What Liberty Ate was featured, and it sounded so lovely that I copied the recipe down straight away! The original recipe can be found on page 29 of the magazine, it's worth a look for the styling and photography alone! But in the meantime, here's my version:

French Rose Apple Tart:


1 1/4 cups plain flour
12 tablespoons unsalted butter
5 apples- peeled and cored
1/4 cup sugar


  • Combine the flour and 8 tablespoons of butter in a large bowl. Mix with fingertips until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs
  • Add 3 tablespoons of ice-cold water and combine the mixture using hands. A dough should be formed
  • Flatten out the dough into a thick disc shape. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 1 hour
  • Roll out dough onto a floured work surface. Roll into circular shape
  • Carefully place the dough into a circular baking tray (preferably one with a loose bottom). Let the dough rest in tray for 1 hour
  • Heat oven to 190˚
  • Slice apples. Slice in half and then length ways to create fan-shapes
  • Place sliced apples onto pastry base working from the outside in, creating a 'rose' shape effect as you go
  • Sprinkle with the sugar
  • Dot on the remaining 4 tablespoons of butter
  • Bake for around 45 minutes (or until the apples start to turn golden)
  • Serve with whipped cream

Yum! Let me know what you think if you give this one a go.

{Image: Laura Blanksby for High Street Home, using Instagram}
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